Best Technical Security Practices

We install firewalls, antivirus, vpn and internet security software to make our systems secure, but all it takes is one click on a link to bypass all that security.

We think the security threats to our computers and other technical items are from outside, from the internet, but the greatest and most overlooked threat is from inside.

  • Have a plan for "when" disasters occur. What if the computer breaks? What if there is a fire or natural disaster? What if your system is compromises?
  • Be suspicious of emails and downloads.
    If you think it is fake don't open it.
    If it looks suspicious don't open it.
    If it has attachments that are unexpected don't open it.
  • Keep your computer, modem, and security software up-to-date.
  • Yes, you've heard this one before: use secure passwords.
    • DO NOT USE Passwords that contain words, names or sequential numbers or letters. These are not secure.
    • Better than eight characters start using 12 or more, including upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols in your passwords. The more complex your password is the better.
    • USE Two-Factor Authentication when available.
    • DO NOT reuse passwords. Use diffent passwords for different accounts.
    • Change passwords frequently is not always recommended. Studies have found people start using simple passwords when they frequently change them.
    • Don't forget to set and change passwords on your internet routers.
  • Use a VPN and encryption, especially on public wifi, to help secure your connections and information.
  • Backup your data. I do not recommend constant syncronizing of files on a computer with a backup system.
  • Stay regularly informed about security risks.
  • Securly delete and wipe data from computers before recycling.